
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光A 410860414  羅翊瑄  留學學校:國際飯店管理學院(澳洲)-限觀光系海外實習組


The school I applied to is ICHM, located in Adelaide. A city in southern Australia. My arrival time is July 22, 2023. Start date is July 24, 2023. Four courses are taken in one semester, and each course has four courses. Credit hours and at least 2-3 assignments to be completed(47字)


照片說明:Coffee made by me in the class

【照片說明:Coffee made by me in the class】

My favorite course is "Advanced Etiquette". The coach is Niels Sloss. When I was in Taiwan, this course was one of the three required courses for everyone, so I didn’t know much about the actual content of this course at first, but when I really came into contact with it, I took the course and I I found this class interesting. During the course, the teacher will show us how to make different cocktails and coffee and will let us practice making different drinks. For example, different cocktails will use different bases and different proportions, or we should pay attention when making cocktails. Different proportions and hygiene concepts are part of the class. My favorite non-alcoholic drink is lemon lime bitters. This is indeed a great non-alcoholic drink. During the course we also learned restaurant etiquette, such as the placement of knives and forks, and the making of napkins. I liked this class because Niels was very patient with us and always kept smiling and humorous and he will point out what can be done better and also guide very hard and attentively, so I always feel pleasure very much during the course study.(195字)


照片說明:Share room

【照片說明:Share room 】

ICHM is located in the southern city of Adelaide, Australia. This is also the fifth Australia's largest city. I think this city gives me a relatively leisurely and Cozy atmosphere. For example, many shops in daily life close at 5-6pm and are closed on Saturdays. To be honest, I think it is a bit too early to close, but in fact, there are many new things in life. For example, driving in Australia is on the right side, so when I first arrived in Australia, I felt very unfamiliar. And I think that although the road in Australia has many twists and turns, the scenery along the way is very beautiful. The ICHM campus is not actually very big, but each classroom can accommodate many people student. The campus also has specially designed classrooms for many practical courses. There are many machines available for students to use. The school is also located close to the city and just a short walk from the shopping center in the city centre. It's a 10 minute walk and I think the location is great. I have been in student accommodation in Australia for the past six months. Only people with student visas can move in. In addition, I think the accommodation environment is actually very good and new. The lobby and rooms are very clean and tidy. Secondly, the room I stayed in shared the kitchen with others, and two friends also lived there, so we actually relied on each other and accompanied each other in daily life. We would have dinner together in the living room every day and discuss what interesting things happened today. Things, including sad things of course, this small living room carries many memories for me. I think what I like most about Australia is its weather, because Australia is drier than Taiwan and I don’t like the cold and humid air, so the weather in Australia is very good to me(325字)


照片說明:My favorite partner and teacher

【照片說明:My favorite partner and teacher 】

I think the most difficult place I encountered during the entire school year was my hotel internship in the next semester. The biggest obstacle is communication. I think the biggest reason is that my English skills are not good enough. At the beginning, I was too nervous, which caused me to hesitate or speak too quietly when talking to customers, and I often couldn’t find it in my mind. The words I want to say are that later on, my colleagues kept telling me to have confidence and believe that I am the best, and repeatedly guided me on what to do, and pointed out my mistakes appropriately and taught me. How to correct it? At first, I felt that she was strict with me, and I wondered why? Doesn't she like me? Only later did she tell me that it was because she liked me very much and she wanted me to become better. She didn't like me being looked down upon by others and didn't want me to be scolded by the guests. I had a great time in the next few weeks. I could answer questions fluently when customers asked me. I could feel that my confidence had improved my abilities.(205字)


One of the advantages of studying at ICHM is the opportunity to choose a different city for your next placement for a semester, such as Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. You can choose the hotel and city that best suits your preferences. I believe that the purpose of going abroad for a year is not only to improve your language skills, but also to understand different cultures and make new friends. I suggest it's time to explore and visit more remote areas - you might even get a chance to see wild kangaroos!(92字)


I think this is a very good opportunity to explore a completely unfamiliar country, whether it is a completely different food habit or cultural scenery, especially since Tamkang University provides us with the advantage of being able to go abroad with our own partners, in groups. Of course, there are many benefits to this whole trip. I cherish my one year in Australia. It is really a beautiful memory for me.(71字)


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