
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光A 410860810  翁以恬  留學學校:國際飯店管理學院(澳洲)-限觀光系海外實習組


I chose to study in International College of Hotel Management, which located in Adelaide. In the first semester, I took four courses, including The Server Etiquette, Restaurant Service Standards Etiquette and Training, Be Our Guest and First Taste at Culinary. Briefly, the first two courses were regarding how to serve the guests and setup the tables. Also got the chance to internship in the real restaurant, trying to mix the knowledge with practical experience. The third point learned about the process of cleaning various types of rooms and discussed about safety, security issues. The last was practical course which making the dishes, recognised food safety and related matters.(108字)


照片說明:Handmade fried chicken

【照片說明:Handmade fried chicken 】

When talking my favourite couse, I would like to recommend the culinary course. Our lecturer was Lachlan Kelly, an open-minded and kind man. At the beginning of the course, he gave us the fundamental principles and also have group discussion time to understand more about the topics. I really enjoyed in reading the online resources during the classes, I felt having the deeper understanding and formed the solution to solve several problems happening in the back of the house. However, the most interesting part were the practical time, which separated us into three small groups. In the kitchen, i followed what the lecturer said and made sure not to get burns or cuts. One thing made me impressive when we were pan-fried the steak. In my team, we didn’t make any big flame, all in the right process. But one team made a big flame while cooking, the lecturer came and turned off the stove. Then helped them to finish the latter part of cooking. In that few days, we performed the good teamwork, communication and safety issues. A good teamwork such as taking turns to use the frying pan, pots, knives and so on. Next, communication was critical in the kitchen owing to it was a kind of notification to others. When taking the pots of boiled water or passing behind someone who held the knife. It’s better to say walked behind to give a signal to them. Not to hurt anyone during the practical. In addition, making some appetising food also learning about hygiene, safety, classification of the tools and wash all of them correctly.(269字)


照片說明:Scape Waymouth

【照片說明:Scape Waymouth 】

The campus of ICHM located in Currie street, it was a convenient spot. I lived in Scape Waymouth, which near the campus, for 6 to 7 minutes walk to campus. For the shopping, i could go to the Rundle Mall, there have Woolies, Coles, Kmart and different types of shops. I could purchase everything from here. Just took 19 minutes walk from Sacpe Waymouth. There also have another options in the Chinatown. Plenty of exotic cuisines for people to choose. However, if you didn’t want to dine out, you could purchase the Asian ingredients, snacks in Asian supermarkets. It’s a good way to overcome the homesickness. Scape Waymouth provided plentiful rooms to choose, we could decide living in the studio or shared apartment. I chose to live alone, a 13 square meters room with unlimited wifi, openable window views, microwave, electric stove and air conditioner. Besides, it also offered the services like collecting on mails or packages, it would be easier than go to the post office directly. The campus has two floors, the ground floor was classrooms and library then second floor has kitchen, vending machine, social hubs and table tennis. Nonetheless, only need to overcome the weather. When I arrived Adelaide, it’s winter and strong winds blowing. I strongly advise to bring hat and hand warmers to avoid both colds and headaches.(223字)


照片說明:Buffet Morning setup

【照片說明:Buffet Morning setup 】

I worked in the Qantas Lounge Brisbane. When I started the placement, the first month they put me on the floors. Using a tray to collect plates and glasses weren’t hard to me. At this time, I faced the challenges like couldn’t distinguish the finished plate and still going one. I asked my colleagues for help, she told to asking such as sir/madame may I take the plate or glass away ? After it, I felt no problem when doing the floors. However, the next difficulties coming. In the second month, I being trained to do the buffet in both club and business buffet. I felt frustrated when I couldn’t give the customer the precise answers. Expect for this point, it’s hard for me to close and setup morning things by myself. One time I turned off the heating boxes but forgot to bring the hot food to the cool room. They all rotten in the next day, I was upset about making mistakes but also developed from the failures. To fix these, I checked the machine when I turned off the power, ensuring no more food left. Next, read the menu and estimated every categories of questions that they would ask. In the third month, I could handle everything in the buffet. In addition, I was shocked by customers always put dirty plates and cutlery next to the buffet. I thought it was the commonsense to give it to stuff or waited until they collecting. After half year working, I was familiar with this and not shocked anymore.(263字)


For the suggestions , I consider the first point is planning. When you start to choose which school you want to study. Such as IELTs grade, tuitions, living expenses all need to take into consideration. When entering the school, you should plan the schedule about finishing every assessment on time. Owing to a lot of reading when writing the assessment, plan in advance won’t be too rush when facing the deadlines. Also you have sufficient time to fix any problems in your assessments, like discussing with the writing supporter. Expect for learning, having an idea in mind about which categories of hospitality industry you are willing to work. For example, hotels, restaurants, conferences centres or airport lounges. It would be easier when you have an idea before starting the catchup with working integrated learning director. The second point is be brave to jump out of the comfort zone. Don’t worried about no friends or classmates work with you during your placement. It’s a great opportunity to know more people coming from different countries. Expand your horizons during the placement also be beneficial to the future career. The last point is regarding to relax. In the second semester, work and assessments come at the same time. Don’t worry haven’t get enough working hours. To relieve the pressure from work, applying few day annual leave to go on vacation. Happiness is the most essential element during the placement. With the great mood, you will feel easy when handling the situations. (252字)


In the second semester, I went to Sydney to visit friend. We went so many places together, including manly, blue mountains, leura, Sydney Opera House and so on. In blue mountains, viewing the three sisters by the cableways. It provided different angles of landscape for tourists to see. Everyone took out their phones to record the gorgeous views and no one wanted to miss it. For the Sydney Opera House, I took two photos of them. One in the morning and another at night. Taking the ferry to catch the spotlight one at night. Both of them looked attractive. In this trip, we tasted various types of food, Korean, Japanese and Italian, etc. All of the food was appetising, I preferred the pasta and the mocha soufflé the most. At the end, I found that public transportation in Sydney was more convenient. If I had chance, I will visit it again.(151字)


照片說明:Sydney Opera House
【照片說明:Sydney Opera House 】
照片說明:Pasta in Haymarket
【照片說明:Pasta in Haymarket 】
點閱次數:150資料更新時間:02月26日 11:56
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