
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 410820269  張庭慈   留學學校:賓州印第安那大學


I'm a junior studying abroad at IUP. Indiana, Pennsylvania, is home to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), a tiny, suburban college town. Pittsburgh is located about 60 miles northeast of the town. During my stay from Aug 2023 to May 2024, I took a total of eight classes, including Korean, Hospitality, Media, Microeconomics, Marketing, Psychology, US History, and Macroeconomics all interesting.(58字)


My favorite class was Explorations in US History, taught by a Chinese teacher named Xi Wang with a great sense of humor. The professor prepares slides and lectures for each class, and group discussions and videos are included during the class, allowing us to learn more about the history of the United States and the history of the world. Although the class was an hour and a half long, it always went by so fast. In addition to the midterm and final exams, four short writings need to be completed for this class, meaning the professor will provide articles for us to read and write about what the professor wants us to discuss. I would say that besides what I was taught in class, the articles helped me to understand more about the historical situation at that time. Moreover, the professor is very serious about reviewing short writing and will highlight the well-written sentences and give comments to let me know where I can write better next time. Although it takes a lot of time to read and write each short writing, it is very rewarding and I enjoy it. I would also like to recommend a professor named Todd Potts, I took his classes in microeconomics and macroeconomics classes, the classes are very traditional and then you have to take notes for each class, the grading scale is mostly based on midterm and final grades, and assignments for each week, which may be a bit strict for some people. Since this class has a lot of theory and calculations, you have to take notes and review, and the professor is very interesting. I took microeconomics in the first semester and then macroeconomics in the second semester. I was surprised that the professor remembered me, he is a professor who takes his students seriously.(304字)


It's more fun than I thought it would be. The campus is big and beautiful, the temperature is low but comfortable, and it snows in March, so it's more cold than hot. The food wasn't really to my liking, the cafeteria was pretty much the same. Luckily, there was a Starbucks and a Japanese fast-food restaurant on campus. Most of the students here live in the school dormitory, which is very well-equipped and clean, you can choose the type of room, and you can enter and exit the dormitory using cell phone sensors, even the door, so you won't have to worry about safety. Classes here are similar to those in Taiwan, except that there is more homework than in Taiwan, so it takes more time to absorb it. The students and professors are very friendly and helpful. The school is located in a small town, compared to the big city more a sense of simplicity, transportation can only rely on the bus, only one hour only compared to other cities is not convenient, walking to the supermarket is about 20 minutes, but perhaps this factor to make the students closer to each other, the school has a variety of different activities to provide students to participate in the week, it is quite interesting. The Taiwan Club organizes events such as the Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue, mahjong, etc. to experience Taiwanese culture and meet new people. In addition, the International Office of the school organizes events and day trips for international students. We went to downtown Pittsburgh, Nicaragua Falls, Washington D.C., and other famous sights, which was a very special experience. (270字)


Being a student in the United States is sure to bring difficulties and cultural shock. Firstly, if you find a language problem, you may talk with local students, which I believe is the quickest method to learn, and you don't have to worry about making mistakes because they all understand. With regards to overcoming culture shock, keep an open mind, respect and strive to comprehend diverse cultural backgrounds, and participate in cultural events at school to help you adapt faster. When you are feeling lonely or homesick, you can join the Taiwanese Students' Association or locate friends who share your interests, such as joining a club, to share experiences and support. Keeping in touch with family and friends can also help alleviate feelings of loneliness. Most essential, do not be scared to ask for assistance. Counseling and support services are frequently available at schools, where students can get expert guidance and assistance. We hope you will be able to overcome your problems and enjoy your academic and living experience in the United States. The thing that took me the longest to get used to was the food, the eating habits here are different. Unlike Taiwan where there are a lot of food choices, there are very few choices here, so you either have to buy your ingredients and cook them yourself or eat ramen. However, after about a month I didn't have this problem anymore, I gradually got used to it. But I must say, it's really hard to get used to it at first. (255字)


Going abroad for exchange or study abroad in junior year is an exciting and challenging opportunity, and I have grown a lot during this year because I have to solve everything on my own. This experience improves my language abilities and opens up new opportunities for me. It also helps you become more adaptable in a setting where culture is not your own. Firstly, it is critical to select the appropriate school and nation, understand the curriculum and academic environment of your desired school, and examine the local culture and cost of living. Improving your language abilities in advance, particularly in academic writing and speaking, can allow you to better adapt to your study environment. After returning from abroad, actively participate in your school's orientation events to meet new people and adjust to the new environment, and use vacations and weekends to visit local sights while being safe. To be honest, I didn't think I would be able to adapt so well. I was very rejected at first, so I guess you have to do everything to know whether you are fit for it or not. The best advice is to stay curious and go abroad with an open-minded mind.(200字)




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