
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光A 410865017  松延光紗  留學學校:國際飯店管理學院(澳洲)-限觀光系海外實習組


From 21 July 2023 to 25 July 2024, I went to the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) in Adelaide, South Australia for a study abroad program. The courses I took were BBHM102 - The Server Etiquette, BBHM103 - Restaurant Restaurant Service Standards Etiquette and Training, BBHM104 - Be Our Guest, BBHM105 - First Taste at Culinary, and BBHM111a - Work Integrated Learning.(60字)


照片說明:Full table setting we learned in BBHM102

【照片說明:Full table setting we learned in BBHM102】

My favorite class from ICHM was the BBHM102 The Server Etiquette, instructed by Mr.Neils. The professor is from the Netherlands and has an accent in English but you can understand what he is saying clearly. He is a very nice person and answers your questions kindly until you understand. This was a required course from the school, yet, you can learn a lot of things that you won’t be able to learn from TKU. From this course, you will be learning the table setting along with the full serving sequence in restaurants and cocktails. In service of sequence classes, you will be learning how to set up a table from putting a tablecloth to serving desserts. The most fun part of this class for me was learning how to fold the napkins in different ways. I thought it was hard to fold the napkins fancy, but it was easy when you knew how to fold them. During the cocktails class, you will learn about all the equipment you will be using when you make cocktails including all types of glasses and some recipes. By the end of the course, the class will have hosts and bartenders to open a bar and the whole school and teachers will be visiting and enjoying cocktails made by the students. I believe people who like to drink or are interested in cocktails love this class. For the other one more course of your choice, I recommend you pick the one you want to learn more about. When I needed to select the course, although I had to pay extra money for the uniform and equipment, I enjoyed taking the course and I did not regret my decision. No matter if you pick any courses, you will need to do the same amount of assignments. If you are not a person who likes to sit and listen to the professor lecturing in class, I recommend you take a class called BBHM105 First Taste at Culinary. This course conducts both lectures and practical sessions, in which you can go to a kitchen and cook with your team. For me, most of the dishes we cooked were good and I enjoyed every class a lot. (370字)


照片說明:Pho from Adelaide Pho

【照片說明:Pho from Adelaide Pho】

For the accommodation, I lived in the student accommodation, Sacape Waymouth which is about a five to ten-minute walk to school. There is a small grocery store behind called IGA, where you can get vegetables, meats, daily necessities and some Asian products. If you walk fifteen minutes, you can get to the central market, where you can get fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, and some other foods and snacks. If you want to get Japanese products, I recommend going to the store called ‘Little Tokyo’. The shop owner is Japanese and they sell a variety of Japanese products that you won’t be able to find in local grocery stores. I recommend others to go to the central market once or twice a week, depending on how often you cook, to get the vegetables from there because, unlike grocery stores, you can decide the amount you want and have more choices. You can compare the price and find your favourite store. There are several restaurants and stores I like. The first one is Adelaide Pho. I have visited there at least once a month. I recommend that you order the fried spring rolls with a pho. The second one is Leigh Street Bakehouse, where you can get bakeries from there. My favourite break from there is pizza bread. Other than salty foods, you can get delicious churros from San Churro. I bought it and brought it to the Adelaide Botanic Garden and had a picnic on a sunny day. The weather in the morning and night will be chilly, but noon could be hot. I suggest bringing a warm jacket and also a thinner jacket like a cardigan. I usually wear a bit less inside and wear a warm thick jacket, so it would not be too hot during the day time. In my opinion, since we are wearing formal clothing to school, wearing a coat looks nicer. (317字)


照片說明:One of the road people in Adelaide cross without a traffic light

【照片說明:One of the road people in Adelaide cross without a traffic light 】

One of the challenges during class for me was assessments. In every course, we had three assessments. Even though I had learned how to write an academic paper with citations, it was challenging for me to finish perfectly. Fortunately, there was a class called Academic Skills, in which a teacher taught students all the knowledge about academic writing. She taught us how to write in-text citations, references, and other useful knowledge regarding our assessments. This class may be boring for some students, but it helped me a lot to do the assessments correctly. In your free time, you could make an appointment with the teacher who teaches the academic skills to help you check your assignment or just simply reconfirm your understanding regarding the assessment instruction. I did not want to fail or get a low score because of a misunderstanding of assessment instructions and simple mistakes in my grammar and citation. I always make an appointment to make sure I am on the right path and the assessment is good enough to submit to the professor. The culture shock I had in daily living was people in Adelaide cross the road no matter if there is no traffic light or crosswalk for humans. Although it is a wide road, if there is no car, they will walk across to the other side without hesitation. After a while, I got used to how they cross the road and I copied them sometimes when the crosswalk was far away, especially when I needed to take a bus. (256字)


The advice I will give to juniors who are going to study abroad in Australia is to take care of yourself and not hesitate to challenge yourself. Especially when you start living in a new place with a different environment than the ones you used to, it is very easy to feel tired and get sick. Try to get enough nutrition by cooking by yourself and having a variety of meals to improve your immune system. If you are going to live in student accommodation, there will be a small gym where you can exercise. Having a fun time with friends until late at night is a precious time of youth, but it is better to keep yourself healthy and avoid getting sick. In case you catch a cold, I recommend bringing some medicine for yourself if there is the medicine you usually take, however, the medicine may not help with that. If that is the case, get medicine from the pharmacy and try to take a local medicine. When I was unwell, the one I got from a local pharmacy worked better than the one I bought. The other advice would be to challenge yourself to everything. By challenging yourself, you can improve your skills and help you to think about what you really like and do in your future career, which I believe will be helpful in the future. When you start working in industry, you’ll need different kinds of skills to be successful. From my experience, getting out of my comfort zone helped me improve myself a lot and gain the skills that are useful. (269字)




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